Here to protect the rural character and environment of the Village and to promote Kewstoke as a pleasant place to live.
Sand Road (Bus Terminus) Car Park Sand Bay, Kewstoke, Weston super Mare
Recent Site History
This car park was rebuilt at the end of 2018 by North Somerset Council, the landowner and has since been managed on its behalf by Kewstoke Parish Council, whose initiative it was to ensure the retention of a public toilet facility here and the provision of a new kiosk/café concession within the existing building (which dates from the 1930’s) both as sustainable amenities for visitors. A portion of the car park revenues is made annually to the Parish Council towards the costs involved.
Strategy and Future Management
As part of the scheme, the outer areas beyond the parking spaces were regraded and sown with a grass and wildflower seed mixture and are essentially left ‘wild’ apart from occasional annual control of some invasive/injurious species and an annual grass cut in early autumn after the plants have seeded. This is to provide cover and refuge for local indigenous wild life and plant species in line with current conservation practice. This ‘rewilding initiative’ by Kewstoke Parish Council is now part of the recent district wide initiative by North Somerset Council.
New tree planting took place in the first autumn (2019) after rebuilding to provide additional screening on the north and south boundaries with the emphasis on native species appropriate to a challenging location: severe salt and sand laden wind exposure. Some ornamental planting was made around the Kiosk area but with mainly native species.
Further ongoing conservation initiatives and facility enhancements are envisaged subject to resources and personnel help available. These will be announced in future Parish Council Newsletters on its website.
Essentially the practical landscaping input is mainly from local volunteers and there is an ongoing need for others to participate either on a regular’ or project specific basis when necessary. (Contact the Parish Clerk if you are interested or think that you might be.)
Constructive comments about and suggested ideas for the site are welcomed by the Parish Council.
John Sayer
Volunteer Project Manager